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A Long-Standing Conflict: A Timeline of the Cyprus Issue

The Cyprus issue is a long-standing conflict between the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities, and has been a major point of contention in the region for over half a century. The conflict dates back to 1950s and has roots in the struggle for independence of the island from British rule. Following is a timeline of key events that have shaped the Cyprus issue:

1955 – 1959

– Greek Cypriot resistance groups formed demanding the end of British rule and the unification of Cyprus with Greece, also known as Enosis.

– Turkish Cypriots begin advocating for partition of the island.

– 1959: The Zurich and London agreements are signed, establishing the Republic of Cyprus as a bicommunal and bizonal state, with Britain, Greece, and Turkey as guarantors.


– Tensions rise between Greek and Turkish Cypriots with Greek Cypriots seen as dominant group due to their majority status.

– 1963: Intercommunal violence breaks out, forcing many Turkish Cypriots to flee to the north.


– In a coup d’etat backed by Greek junta, the democratically elected President of Cyprus, Archbishop Makarios, is overthrown and a pro-Enosis government installed.

– Turkey invades Cyprus, citing its role as a guarantor of the island’s sovereignty.

– Turkish forces occupy the northern part of Cyprus, and declare the establishment of the Turkish Federated State of Cyprus.

1980s – 1990s

– Attempts at resolving the conflict lead to a series of failed negotiations over the years.

– 1983: Turkish Federated State of Cyprus declared independence, which was only recognized by Turkey.

– 1990: UN Secretary General, Perez de Cuellar presents a plan for reunification and the establishment of a bicommunal and bizonal federation.

2000s – Present

– 2004: The Annan Plan, which proposed a reunification of the island under a federal government, was put to a referendum. While the majority of Turkish Cypriots voted in favor, the Greek Cypriots rejected the proposed plan.

– Efforts at reunification continue through UN-led talks, but no significant progress has been made.

– The Republic of Cyprus is admitted to the European Union and becomes a full EU member state in 2004, but the north remains outside the EU’s jurisdiction.

The Cyprus issue remains unresolved to this day, with the island remaining divided since the Turkish invasion in 1974. The issue is a major obstacle to peace and stability in the region, as well as an obstacle to Turkey’s accession to the European Union. Efforts towards a resolution must continue, but progress has been slow and hindered by the intransigence of both sides.

ACM Cyprus

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