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Breaking Down the Cyprus Negotiation Process: A Comprehensive Review

The Cyprus negotiation process has been ongoing for more than 60 years, and has undergone several rounds of talks and agreements between Turkish and Greek Cypriots, as well as the international community. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive review of the history and current state of the negotiations, as well as an analysis of the major issues and challenges that have arisen.


Cyprus is a small, Mediterranean island located at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa. It was a British colony from 1878 until 1960 when it gained independence. After independence, the island became divided along ethnic lines, with the majority of Greek Cypriots living in the south and the majority of Turkish Cypriots living in the north. In 1974, Turkey invaded the island and took control of the northern part, leading to the displacement of thousands of residents and the establishment of a de facto Turkish Cypriot state in the north, which is only recognized by Turkey.

Since then, the international community has been working to find a solution to the Cyprus problem, which involves reunifying the island and bringing an end to the conflict. There have been several rounds of peace negotiations over the years, but the parties have been unable to reach a lasting agreement. The most recent round of talks took place between 2015 and 2017, but these talks ultimately ended in failure.

Key Issues

One of the major issues in the Cyprus negotiation process is the question of governance. The two sides have differing visions for how power should be shared between the federal government and the constituent states that would be formed after a reunification agreement. The Greek Cypriots have pushed for a strong central government that would have control over key areas such as foreign policy and national defense, while Turkish Cypriots have called for a more decentralized system where more power is granted to the constituent states.

Another key issue is the issue of property. The division of the island has led to the displacement of thousands of people, and the ownership of land and property is a thorny issue that has yet to be fully resolved. Both sides have called for a fair and just solution to the property issue, but they have been unable to agree on what that solution would look like.

The issue of security is also a major obstacle to reaching a reunification agreement. Turkish Cypriots have called for the presence of Turkish troops on the island as a guarantee of their security, while Greek Cypriots see the presence of foreign troops as an infringement on their sovereignty. Finding a compromise on this issue has proven to be elusive.


Several challenges have hindered progress in the Cyprus negotiation process. Firstly, there is a lack of trust between the two sides. Decades of conflict and animosity have left deep scars on both communities, and this distrust has made it difficult to find common ground.

There is also a lack of political will to reach a compromise. The two sides have been unable to bridge their differences, and there is a sense that both sides are content with the status quo. Some analysts argue that both sides are using the negotiations to gain leverage, rather than to find a real solution.

The involvement of external actors has also complicated the negotiations. Turkey, Greece, and the international community have all played a role in the peace process, but their interests and priorities have sometimes clashed. This has led to delays and disagreements, and has made it difficult to reach a consensus.


The Cyprus negotiation process is a complex and challenging endeavor that has yet to bear fruit. The issues of governance, property, and security remain contentious, and there are significant obstacles to reaching a compromise. However, there is also a sense that progress is possible. The recent resumption of informal talks between the two sides, along with the appointment of a new UN envoy, has raised hopes that a new round of negotiations may be forthcoming. Ultimately, the success of the peace process will depend on the willingness of both sides to make concessions and work towards a mutually acceptable solution.

ACM Cyprus

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