
Caught in torrential rain! This is how he crossed the road

The heavy rain, which the 13th Regional Directorate of Meteorology had warned before, was effective in Elazig. With the effect of the rain that fell so heavily for the first time in the city, the streets and avenues, especially the main streets, were filled with water. While vehicles were making their way with difficulty on the flooded streets, some preferred to wait. Flooding occurred in some areas due to heavy rain. The puddles formed on the side of the road on Malatya Street gave the citizens a hard time. A citizen who was caught unprepared for the rain took off his shoes and walked barefoot across the street.


On the other hand, traffic accidents and floods that occurred after the downpour throughout the city were reflected on the mobile phone cameras of the citizens.

Surprising image in April! Turned white in minutes

Surprising image in April! Turned white in minutesView News

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Source Link: NTV/TRT

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Elazig experienced heavy rain which resulted in flooding on the streets and avenues, especially the main streets. The downpour caused difficulties for vehicles, with some opting to wait until the water receded. Some areas also experienced flooding due to the rain, with side road puddles making it challenging for citizens. One individual, caught unprepared for the rain, walked barefoot across the street. Traffic accidents and floods were documented on mobile phones by citizens.

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