
CTP criticized the TRNC-TC 2023 Economic and Financial Cooperation Agreement

The main opposition party, the Republican Turkish Party (CTP), made a statement regarding the 2023 Economic and Financial Cooperation Agreement signed between the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and the Republic of Turkey.

In the statement, it was claimed that the agreement in question was not prepared by considering the needs of the Turkish Cypriots.

At a time when many public buildings, especially schools, must be prepared for earthquakes, the vehicles and weapons donated to the police force, such as the theological college, which is not demanded by the society, are damaging the democratic climate in the country. It was claimed that it was the product of a new imposition on the Turkish Cypriots.

In the statement, which stated that the Agreement was once again not brought to the knowledge of any political party represented in the Parliament, it was hidden from the public and only announced to the public at the signing stage, the CTP will inform the public about the content of the agreement in the coming days, and that the elements that will not benefit the society will survive. It was also noted that he will continue to fight both in the Parliament and on the street so that he does not find himself.

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Source Link: BRT

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The Republican Turkish Party (CTP) has criticized the 2023 Economic and Financial Cooperation Agreement signed between Northern Cyprus and Turkey. In a statement, the opposition party claimed that the agreement did not consider the needs of Turkish Cypriots and instead included unnecessary donations, such as vehicles and weapons for the police force and a theological college. The CTP also accused the government of hiding the agreement from the public and not informing any political party represented in Parliament. The party has vowed to continue fighting against any elements of the agreement that do not benefit society.

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