
Interest-free loan for newlyweds! When will the 150 thousand TL marriage loan be given? Erdogan announced! Loan for marriage

President Erdoğan said, “We encourage our young people to start families. We will give a marriage loan to our newly married couples. We will establish a family and youth bank. We will support our youth with this bank. We will support it with the income of natural gas. We will be with them with grant and incentive programs. Don’t let the difficulty of the conditions scare them with the scarcity of opportunities. I speak as a person who is at the beginning of the application. » said. Here is the information about the marriage loan…

When will the interest-free marriage loan be given?

It was announced that the state-supported marriage loan, which attracted attention as the election promise of the AK Party, would be given to newly married young couples. However, the application requirements have not been announced yet. In addition, no date has been announced for when the marriage loan will be given. Exact information will be included in our news as soon as it comes. The project, which is described as the Family Protection Shield Program, which is also included in the election manifesto, will be financed through the digital Family and Youth Bank at international standards. It was stated that one of the main income sources of this social purpose bank will be a certain percentage of the natural gas revenues discovered in the Black Sea.

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Source Link: CNN/Hürriyet

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President Erdogan announced that the government will provide an interest-free marriage loan to newly married couples and establish a Family and Youth Bank to support young people. The bank will be supported by the income of natural gas and grant and incentive programs. However, the application requirements and the date for the loan have not been announced yet. The project will be financed through the digital Family and Youth Bank at international standards, and a certain percentage of the natural gas revenues discovered in the Black Sea will be one of the main income sources for this bank. The program is included in the election manifesto and is called the Family Protection Shield Program. As soon as exact information is available, it will be included in the news.

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