
‘John Wick 4’ Leads Domestic Box Office – News

The box office data for the weekend of March 31 – April 2 have been announced.


Last week’s box office leader, «John Wick 4» maintained its top spot in the domestic box office this weekend as well. The total number of viewers of the film, which was watched by 123 thousand 470 spectators at the end of the second weekend, reached 530 thousand.

«King Şakir: Germ Hunters Cumburlop», one of the new films of the week, took the second place at the box office with 59 thousand 80 audience, while another animated movie «Tay» was watched by 11 thousand 36 audiences and took the third place. «Thai», which was released for the second time, became one of the most watched animated films of 2022.

Horror films completed the top five of the domestic box office this weekend. «Çığlık 6» took the fourth place with 5,780 spectators, while the local horror movie «Ecinni 4: Ecel», which is one of the newest in the vision, took the fifth place with 6 thousand 502 viewers.

Here are the 10 most watched movies and audience numbers of the weekend of March 31 – April 2:

  1. John Wick 4 – 123,470
  2. King Shakir: Germ Hunters Cumburlop – 59.080
  3. Thai – 11,036
  4. Scream 6 – 7,780
  5. Ecnni 4: Death – 6.502
  6. The Killing Game – 6.071
  7. Puss in Boots: Last Wish – 5,299
  8. Shazam! Wrath of the Gods – 4,829
  9. The Snow King Norm 3: Family Vacation – 4,132
  10. Lost – 3,460

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: Beyazperde/TelevizyonGazetesi

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

The movie «John Wick 4» maintained its position as the top grossing film in the domestic box office for the second consecutive week. The film was watched by 123,470 spectators over the weekend, bringing its cumulative audience numbers to 530,000. The new release, «King Şakir: Germ Hunters Cumburlop,» secured the second position with 59,080 viewers. «Thai,» another animated movie, followed in third place with 11,036 viewers. Horror films took the remaining spots in the top five, with «Scream 6» and «Ecinni 4: Ecel» attracting 7,780 and 6,502 viewers, respectively. The total audience numbers for the top 10 movies over the weekend of March 31 – April 2 have also been announced.

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