
Lawyers’ Day message from the Speaker of the Parliament Töre

Zorlu Töre, Speaker of the Assembly of the Republic, celebrated the Lawyers’ Day of all lawyers.

Töre stated the following in the message she published through the Parliamentary Press Office:

“Justice is the foundation of property and defense is the foundation of justice. The legal profession rises on this holy foundation. I sincerely congratulate the Lawyers’ Day of all lawyers who are the founding element of an independent and impartial judiciary, the assurance of the principle of fair trial, the defender of rights and freedoms, the assurance of the rule of law, and the representative of justice.

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The Speaker of the Assembly of the Republic, Zorlu Töre, extended her sincere congratulations to all lawyers on their special day, Lawyers’ Day. In a message published through the Parliamentary Press Office, Töre highlighted the importance of justice and defense in the legal profession, stating that they are the foundation of property and justice. She also praised lawyers as the founding element of an independent and impartial judiciary, the assurance of the principle of fair trial, defender of rights and freedoms, assurance of the rule of law, and representative of justice.

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