
Man Sets Record by Doing Over 3,000 Push-Ups in an Hour

German man sets world record for push-ups

A German man has set a new world record for the most push-ups completed within an hour. In just 60 minutes, Jan Helmke managed to complete a total of 2,413 push-ups, breaking the previous record by 71 push-ups.

Helmke completed the push-ups in sets of 30 seconds, managing to do an average of 26.7 push-ups in each set. He only did 34 push-ups illegally, falling within the rules set by the Guinness World Records. According to the rules, the body should be completely straight during the push-up, with no bending in the knees or waist. The body must be completely lowered until the elbows are bent at a 90-degree angle, then must be raised until the arms are straight.

Helmke’s achievement is a testament to the hard work and dedication required to set a world record. It requires intense training and discipline to achieve such a feat. We congratulate Helmke on his impressive accomplishment and look forward to more incredible displays of human strength and determination in the future.

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