
Melis Sezen questioning that comes to mind after the first episode of the Gülcemal series! / Detay – Melis Sezen, who had a very successful two seasons in the TV series «Sadakatsızsız», also managed to spread her popularity to a wide audience. However, with the release of the first episode of the new series Gülcemal, the audience is sharing different views on Melis Sezen’s involvement as the female lead in the story.

There are viewers who think that Murat Ünalmış has a very successful performance as the male lead, but Melis Sezen does not fit the role very well. The first criticisms began to appear on social media that Melis Sezen was not a good choice for the Gülcemal series.

Everyone agrees on this issue, “Murat Unalmış has officially spilled it”… So the fans of the famous actor are very pleased with the developments. Many TV series fans made many positive comments stating that they missed Ünalmış on the screen.

On the subject of Melis Sezen, the audience was divided into two groups. While some think that the female lead suits the story, some viewers share the opposite comments.

Stating that Melis Sezen has no words for her beauty and talent, the audience shares that they cannot fully get the energy of partnership with Murat Ünalmış.

Of course, in the first episodes of the series, the fan criticisms of the actors can be different. Demet Özdemir also experienced this in the first episode of the «Adim Farah» series, and the comments that she portrayed the role in an exaggerated way were all over the place. However, in the following episodes, this situation was forgotten and the actor was supported with laudatory comments.

As the story progresses, it may be possible for the audience, who criticizes Melis Sezen, to evaluate the situation with a different perspective.

How the Gülcemal series, which is included in the rating competition on Thursday evenings, will change the balance in the coming weeks is another issue that is eagerly awaited. Finishing the day third in the EU category with its first episode, the verse came in 10th in all individuals and ABC1 groups. The ratings of the series, which are below the average, do not allow for an evaluation for now. The results of the second part will be very important.

Here is the first trailer from the second episode of the series, which will be screened on Thursday, April 13:


This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: Beyazperde/TelevizyonGazetesi

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

The article discusses the mixed reactions of the audience towards Melis Sezen’s performance as the female lead in the new series «Gülcemal.» While some viewers think that she fits the role well, others believe otherwise. The article highlights that it is not uncommon for actors to receive criticisms in the first episodes of a series, and the situation may change as the story progresses. The article also briefly touches upon the ratings competition on Thursday evenings and how the performance of «Gülcemal» in the coming weeks will be crucial. The article ends by providing a trailer for the second episode of the series.

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