

The classification has been completed in METGİN Unilig in basketball.

It was determined in the classification of the league, where the excitement was experienced until the last week.

While the Near East University was the leader in the league, Bahçeşehir Cyprus University was the second, Rauf Denktaş University was the third, and the Eastern Mediterranean University was the fourth team of the play-off.

In the play-off matches, Near East University-Eastern Mediterranean University and Bahçeşehir Cyprus University-Rauf Denktaş University were matched.

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Source Link: NTV/BRT

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The article reports on the completion of the basketball classification in the METGİN Unilig league. The league had an exciting finish, and the final classification saw the Near East University in first place, Bahçeşehir Cyprus University in second, Rauf Denktaş University in third, and the Eastern Mediterranean University in fourth. The play-off matches were between Near East University and Eastern Mediterranean University, as well as Bahçeşehir Cyprus University and Rauf Denktaş University. The article does not provide any further details about the matches or the teams’ performances.

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