
Minister Özer boosts production income of vocational and technical education institutions to 2 billion TL

Minister Özer Increases Production Income for Vocational and Technical Education Institutions

Turkey’s Minister of Education, Ömer Özer, announced on his Twitter account that the country’s vocational and technical education institutions have increased their production revenues to 2 billion TL. This was achieved through their revolving funds, which provide financial support for ongoing projects and initiatives.

The Minister further stated that students and teachers received a share of 300 million TL from this production income. He also revealed that their targets for the future include reaching a production capacity of 3.5 billion TL by 2023.

The vocational and technical education system in Turkey provides courses aimed at creating skilled labor for the country. Through partnerships with industry leaders, these institutions are able to provide real-world training and advance job placement opportunities for their students.

With the increased production revenues, the vocational and technical education system is better positioned to continue contributing to Turkey’s economy. Their efforts will not only create more jobs but also help build a stronger workforce capable of meeting the demands of the country’s industries.

The Minister’s announcement is a testament to the government’s commitment to investing in education and workforce development. By supporting vocational and technical institutions, Turkey is setting itself up for success in the future.

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