
Night of Power prayer and worship 2023! Which prayers are read in the Night of Power, how to pray?

With the Night of Power prayers, millions of Muslims will perform their prayers in the night, which is considered to be a blessed night for the Islamic world. Those who will pray in the night, which is better than a thousand months, will open their hands to the sky. So, how to pray on this night?


According to the information in the religious sources, the Prophet, Hz. Pray to Aisha, «Allahumma innake afuwwun tuhibbul afwa fa’fu anni (O Allah, you forgive and you love forgiveness. Forgive my sins too)»! he commanded. Those who want to pray on this night can do their prayers with these words.

On the other hand, the special prayer of the Night of Power, shared by Diyanet, is as follows:


Those who want to spend the blessed night by worshiping can do these on the Night of Power;

  • * The Qur’an should be read; readers should rest; Qur’an banquets should be given in suitable places; The feelings of love, respect and devotion to the Kalamullah must be renewed and strengthened.
  • * It is more virtuous for those who are in debt to pray at least five times before performing the nafilah prayer. If there is no accident, it will be futile.
  • Sufyan-i Sevri: “Praying and asking for forgiveness on the night of power is more beloved than prayer. It is better to read the Qur’an and then pray” (Tajrid-i Sarih Translation, VI, 313).
  • * Blessings and greetings should be sent to the Prophet (pbuh); Hope for his intercession and the consciousness of being a member of his ummah should be renewed.
  • * Contemplation must be made; They should have deep thoughts on vital issues, especially on issues such as «Who am I, where did I come from, where am I going, what are God’s requests from me?»
  • * Abundant dhikr and evrad ü ezkar should be done.
  • * Saying goodbye to believers; their consent should be obtained from the point of contact with them.
  • * Those who are offended and offended should be reconciled; hearts must be taken; sad faces should be put to smile.
  • * Sins should be sincerely repented and forgiven; One should take the last opportunity to realize the night and make regrets and disdain.

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: NTV/CNN

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This article discusses the Night of Power prayers which are performed by millions of Muslims on a blessed night. The article provides information on the prayers that should be read on this night, as well as instructions on how to pray. The article also shares a special prayer for the Night of Power as shared by Diyanet. Additionally, the article lists actions that can be taken on this night such as reading the Qur’an, sending blessings to the Prophet, contemplating, and forgiving others. The article is informative and offers guidance to those who wish to observe the Night of Power.

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