
Opened for YODAK membership

A vacancy was opened for the membership of the Higher Education, Planning, Supervision, Accreditation and Coordination Board (YODAK).

YODAK President Prof. Dr. Turgay Avcı, in his written statement, stated that there will be an election for a member to be elected by the Interuniversity Academic Coordination Board (ÜAKK) for membership of YODAK and that faculty members who want to be candidates should submit their applications to the YODAK Presidency between 14-28 April (including both dates) until the end of the working day. announced the need.

In his statement, Avcı stated that candidates who want to apply for a vacancy should have the qualifications specified in Article 9 of the Higher Education Law No. 65/2005 and apply to YODAK for the specified documents and documents.

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A vacancy for membership of the Higher Education Board (YODAK) has been announced, with an election for a member to be elected by the Interuniversity Academic Coordination Board (ÜAKK). Faculty members interested in being candidates should submit their applications to the YODAK Presidency by April 28th, and must have the qualifications specified by the Higher Education Law No. 65/2005.

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