
Parliamentary Committee on Arrangement of Legislation on Natural Disaster and Earthquake convened

The Assembly of the Republic, the Temporary and Special (AD-HOC) Committee on the Regulation of the Legislation on Natural Disaster and Earthquake convened today at 10.30 under the chairmanship of UBP Deputy Committee Chairman Özdemir Berova.

According to the statement made by the Parliamentary Press Office, the Temporary and Special (AD-HOC) Committee Established on the Regulation of Natural Disaster and Earthquake-Related Legislation, at its meeting today, it has been stated that the “Financial Assistance and Preparedness for Earthquake and Other Disasters Law, which has been returned to be discussed again by the President” item by item. started voting. The Committee will continue its discussions on the aforementioned law at its next meeting.

Officials from the Ministry of Finance and the Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office attended the committee meeting as invited guests and shared their views on the subject.

Committee members UBP Deputies Emrah Yeşilırmak and Ahmet Savaşan and DP Deputy Hasan Tosunoğlu attended the committee meeting chaired by UBP Deputy Özdemir Berova.

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A Temporary and Special (AD-HOC) Committee on the Regulation of Legislation on Natural Disaster and Earthquake convened to discuss the «Financial Assistance and Preparedness for Earthquake and Other Disasters Law.» The committee, headed by UBP Deputy Özdemir Berova, started voting on the law item by item. Officials from the Ministry of Finance and the Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office attended the meeting as invited guests to share their views on the subject. The committee is scheduled to continue its discussions on the law at its next meeting. Committee members included UBP Deputies Emrah Yeşilırmak and Ahmet Savaşan and DP Deputy Hasan Tosunoğlu.

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