
Passion: Hz. Christo Zhivkov, actor of The Passion of the Christ, dies

Mel Gibsondirected by “Passion: Hz. The Passion of Jesus” Bulgarian actor and producer Christo Jivkov, known for his role in the movie, died at the age of 48.

According to the news on the Deadline site, Jivkov had been battling lung cancer for a long time. Zhivkov died yesterday at the hospital in Los Angeles, where he was being treated.

Jivkov, who started acting in 1996, acted in films made in Bulgaria and Italy.

“Passion: Hz. He also starred in the sequel to the Passion of the Christ

“Passion: Hz. The actress, whose star shines in the movie «The Passion of Jesus» and stepped into Hollywood, is the sequel of the movie, which is planned to be released next year, «Hz. He also appeared in The Passion of the Christ: The Resurrection.

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Source Link: NTV/CNN

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Bulgarian actor and producer Christo Jivkov, best known for his role in Mel Gibson’s «Passion: The Passion of the Christ,» has passed away at the age of 48 after battling lung cancer. Jivkov had been acting since 1996, appearing in films made in Bulgaria and Italy, and he also starred in the sequel to «The Passion of the Christ,» titled «The Passion of the Christ: The Resurrection,» set to be released next year.

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