
President Erdogan Joins Mosque Opening Ceremony Tomorrow at the Salahaddin Eyyubi Mosque

Diyarbakır’s Selahaddin Eyyubi Mosque and Complex Opens for Worship

The Selahaddin Eyyubi Mosque and Complex, built in Diyarbakır, Turkey, has opened for worship. The mosque, which was constructed by local businessman İhsan Arslan in Yenişehir district, can accommodate up to 25 thousand worshippers when the courtyard is included. The closed area of the mosque covers 43,500 square meters and has several facilities, including a conference hall for 700 people, a foyer and exhibition area of 1500 square meters, and a parking lot for 500 cars.

Additionally, a cafeteria that spans 2,400 square meters, a library and youth center, offices, and education areas with a total area of 4 thousand square meters, can be found within the compound. The construction of the Selahaddin Eyyubi Mosque, which took six years, aimed to answer the necessity of Diyarbakır’s growing population of over 1 million 800 thousand.

Although architect Uğur Kınık initiated the project, other architects contributed and integrated basalt, white, and yellow stones from the area into the mosque’s structure, along with motifs inspired by Mesopotamia, the Seljuk Empire, and the Ottoman Empire. The mosque’s four minarets have square bases, and its 56 domes, including its central dome, have an octagonal shape. The names of Prophet Adam, Prophet Abraham, Prophet Moses, and Jesus Christ were written on each of the mosque’s four sides, while the name of Prophet Muhammad was placed on the central door.

On the 14th of April, the Selahaddin Eyyubi Mosque will celebrate its opening for worship with a ceremony attended by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

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