
Slap from Kazım to Ferit in the Kingfisher! «Break this game Seyran»

The Seahorse TV series, starring Afra Saraçoğlu and Mert Ramazan Demir, came to the screen with its 27th episode on Friday, April 7th. The episode was marked by the crisis between Seyran and Ferit. Here are the details…

The growth of the new crisis in the marriage of Seyran and Ferit drew attention in the 27th episode of Star TV’s popular series The Kingfisher on the evening of April 7th.
In the last episode of the Kingfisher, Seyran, who did not listen to Ferit’s apology and the words «This is irreversible», used the words «It’s over».
Seyran, who was greeted by Gülgün while leaving the house, said, «Your son sees this right in himself because of the promises you made to him. Please ask him to account, not me.»
Gülgün, who went to her son, said, «Come on, handle this without your grandfather knowing. Go get your wife, come,» said Ferit, «I don’t want to go. Seyran makes me do this. I’m so tired mom, I’m fed up».
Pelin, who went to her mother at the same time, was shocked when she saw İfakat. Saying that they agreed with Zerrin, İfakat said to her, «You can tell Pelin what we talked about,» and went to the mansion.
Returning to his father’s house, Seyran said, «I don’t want to see Ferit again.» He then told his aunt and mother about the situation. Halis Ağa, who learned from İfakat that Seyran was gone, called Seyran. Saying that he would not come home, Seyran said, «Your grandson finally raised his hand against me.»
«We got a girl or a doll?» Reacting to Kazım, Halis Ağa said, «If your daughter does not return in the evening, you do not need to come back here.» Kazım, who went home, applied violence to Seyran because he did not want to go to the mansion.
İfakat, who made a move to commit Ferit, said that if he wanted to leave, he would support him. Then he said that Abidin and Suna were together. Angry at this, Ferit stood in front of Abidin and said, «Is it true, you and Suna? Talk to him and say, ‘I didn’t have such an anemia. You didn’t hide anything from me? Shame on you.» Abidin said, «I loved my son. kiss» Ferit punched him.
Abidin, who thought that the Sultan told Ferit everything, attacked the Sultan by saying «Fear me».
Halis Ağa, who got even more angry when Seyran did not come in the evening, hung up the phone in Kazım’s face. Angered at Ferit, who could not hold back his tears at the table, Korhan said, «My granddaughter cannot cry for any girl.» Ferit, who went to Seyran after the meal, asked him what he wanted. Upon this, Seyran stated that he would never return to the mansion. At the same time, Abidin, who expressed to Latif that he wanted to resign, left the mansion.
Saying that he would take Seyran to the mansion, Kazım agreed to meet with Zerrin, who came across him at the door of the house. Saying that he had a lawyer friend who could get the compensation he wanted from the Korhans, Zerrin said that Seyran would not stay single for a long time.
Kazım, who came home after Zerrin, asked Seyran, «Do you intend to leave?» When Seyran said, «I am determined,» she said, «I thought, I moved. The situation where Ferit dropped you, Halis Ağa’s words bothered me. The matter is closed, you will get divorced.»
Kazım, who called Halis Ağa and went to the mansion to meet with him, stated that Seyran did not want to come and would not have his daughter crushed.
While Gülgün was calling and explaining the situation to Ferit, Korhan sighed at Seyran’s door. «Let’s go, Seyran,» said Ferit, while he was hugging Kazım. Kazım insulted his son-in-law while saying that he would not send Seyran. Thereupon, Ferit said, «Is it a man to sell his daughter?» When he said that, Kazım Ağa slapped him.
The fact that Ferit came to pick up Seyran and Kazım slapped him became the agenda on social media. Here are some of those comments…»From Ferit, who was thinking of going abroad with a slap from his grandfather, to Ferit, who gave his hand to the audience despite the slap he received from his father-in-law»»Seyran went too far»»Zerrin and İfakat’s plan is working perfectly»»This game Boz Seyran»»Ferit’s change amazes me»»The only thing Kazim didn’t slap Ferit for was that»»I don’t understand how Seyran became guilty»»Ferit took care of his marriage»»Not Seyran, everyone in the mansion will change with him «
Kingfisher Episode 28 TRAILER

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Source Link: NTV/CNN

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The 27th episode of the Turkish TV series, The Seahorse, aired on April 7th and featured a growing crisis in the marriage of Seyran and Ferit. Seyran refuses to forgive Ferit despite his apology, and declares the marriage over. The episode also sees Kazim getting violent with Seyran, and Ferit getting into a physical altercation with Abidin after learning about his affair with Suna. The fact that Kazim slaps Ferit when he comes to pick up Seyran became a topic of discussion on social media. The trailer for episode 28 was also released.

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