
Strawberry Delight: A Delicious Treat for Kids

Yıldırım Village in the Famagusta Region of Cyprus has become a center for strawberry production in recent years. Farmers in the area have been utilizing new technologies and techniques to increase production and yield, resulting in a surge in the number of strawberries being grown.

The success of the village’s strawberry industry has even caught the attention of local schools, with primary schools in the Famagusta Region organizing trips to the strawberry gardens for their students. During these visits, students learn about the local production methods, observe the cultivation process up close, and even have the opportunity to pluck and eat fresh strawberries right off the plants.

One such school that recently took part in this program was Karakol Primary School. The young students enjoyed seeing strawberry cultivation and harvesting firsthand, and were thrilled to be able to eat fresh, delicious strawberries directly from the fields.

With its growing reputation as a hub for high-quality strawberries, Yıldırım Village is poised to continue its success in the strawberry industry for years to come. Its efforts may even inspire other farmers in the region to adopt similar techniques and boost their own strawberry production.

ACM Cyprus

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Pools Plus Cyprus

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