

Based on this information, write a new short title in Spanish: El sur de Chipre donó 300 mil euros al Comité de Personas Desaparecidas – BRTK

La Administración grecochipriota del Sur de Chipre donó 300.000 euros al Comité de Personas Desaparecidas (CMP) para apoyar su trabajo.…

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Based on this information, write a new short title in Spanish: El primer ministro Üstel recibió al ministro turco de Trabajo y Seguridad Social, Işıkhan – BRTK

According to this information, write a new article in Spanish: El Primer Ministro Ünal Üstel recibió al Ministro de Trabajo…

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Based on this information, write a new short title in Spanish: Başbakan Üstel, Türkiye Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanı Işıkhan’ı kabul etti – BRTK

According to this information, write a new article in Spanish: Başbakan Ünal Üstel, resmi temaslarda bulunmak üzere bu sabah KKTC’ye…

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