
What are the burn degrees? 1. What does 2nd and 3rd degree burn mean?

1st, 2nd and 3rd degree burns diagnosed by doctors after burn cases are shared with patients. While determining the degree of burn, factors such as the depth of the damaged area, how much of the body is covered, whether it poses an infection risk, age, other diseases the patient has, and respiratory damage are used.

While these factors determine the degree of burn, they are also of great importance in terms of the patient’s vital condition and treatment. Here are the degrees of burns and their meanings…

WHAT IS A 1st degree burn?

It occurs with skin redness, pain and edema in the burned area. This is the mildest of the burn degrees, which heals in about 48 hours.


Pain occurs in the burning area where water-filled bubbles occur in the skin. The burn in the area does not heal until the skin regenerates itself.


In this type of burn, which is the most dangerous among the degrees and can have fatal results, the entire layer of the skin is affected by the burn. Black and white spots may appear in third-degree burns, which have effects on vessels, nerves and muscles. Since the nerves are damaged, the patient does not feel pain, but the burned area is in danger.

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This article discusses the different degrees of burns and their meanings. The severity of a burn is determined by factors such as the depth of the damage, the extent of the burn, and the risk of infection or other complications. The mildest degree is a 1st degree burn, which causes skin redness, pain, and swelling, and typically heals within 48 hours. A 2nd degree burn causes blisters and more severe pain, and may take longer to heal. A 3rd degree burn is the most serious, affecting all layers of the skin and potentially causing permanent damage or even death. In third-degree burns, the nerves may be damaged, leading to a lack of pain sensation, but the area is still in danger.

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