
What does disaster area mean? What happens when a disaster area is declared? Provinces declared disaster areas!

President Erdoğan made statements about the developments in the earthquake zone at the State Information Coordination Center. Erdogan on the subject; “Experts refer to these two earthquakes as exceptional ground motion. It caused great destruction. We are facing one of the biggest disasters in our geography.” said. «Two major earthquakes affected 10 cities of our 13.5 million citizens,» said Erdogan. «We have taken a state of emergency decision that will last for 3 months in 10 provinces affected by the earthquake» used his statements. After this statement, «What does it mean to be declared a disaster area, what happens when it becomes a disaster area?» questioning accelerated. Here are the details…


As a result of natural disasters such as earthquakes, fires, floods, avalanches and landslides, life in various regions is greatly affected. In order to minimize the effects of these natural disasters and to support those in the region, the damaged areas are declared disaster areas. In this context, those in the disaster area can benefit from various supports.


The AK Party Central Executive Board (MKYK) meeting was held in the headquarters building under the chairmanship of President and AK Party Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. AK Party Spokesperson Ömer Çelik made statements after the meeting. Explaining the number of provinces that are disaster areas as 11, Çelik said, «With the instruction of our President, Elazig will be evaluated as the 11th province in terms of being affected by the earthquake as a disaster area. We will mention it as 11 provinces from now on.» used his statements.

WAS A State of Emergency Declared in ELAZIG?

In the other 10 provinces, President Erdoğan announced that a state of emergency was declared effective in general life. There has been no statement yet for Elazig, which will be considered as a disaster area.


Gürün district of Sivas, one of the places affected by 2 major earthquakes in Kahramanmaraş, was also included in the disaster area. In the district, 147 damaged buildings were detected together with the villages.


Kahramanmaraş, Hatay, Gaziantep, Osmaniye, Malatya, Adıyaman, Adana, Diyarbakır, Kilis and Şanlıurfa.


– All health services are provided free of charge to everyone in that region. In addition to public hospitals, patients in military hospitals and private hospitals are also treated free of charge.

-The army units in the region are obliged to provide the assistance requested from them.

– Technical committees from all provinces are assigned, if necessary, to detect the damage to the structures. For this, the relevant ministries are assigned by the government in the region.

– Citizens in the region are informed and conscious by the relevant units of the state.

– Travel, subsistence and advance payments are made regularly to public personnel.

-Social workers and psychologists are appointed for the psychological and sociological treatment of each family and each individual in the region.

All financial losses are paid by the state. In cases where buildings need to be demolished or evacuated, this situation is notified to the owner. (The landlord may have the right to appeal this decision within three days.)

– Separate damage assessment report is prepared for all buildings and structures. There is a 30-day right of objection to the prepared damage assessment reports. It is not allowed to enter the damaged buildings until they are repaired. New houses are allocated to citizens whose houses have been destroyed or damaged. All banks provide interest-free loans for tradesmen.

The debts of all companies, tradesmen or individuals to government units and banks are deleted or the debt period is extended. Buildings that are not repaired within a year are demolished. In disaster areas, places deemed dangerous by science boards are prohibited for buildings and residences. In places where the zoning plan needs to be changed, the plans are made within 5 months. Permitted temporary shed construction must be demolished within 1 year. In cases where disaster victims need to be transported, all expenses are covered by the ministry.

– Students who fail their education are provided with additional exam opportunities and additional points are given to students in central exams (such as YKS, ALES).

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Source Link: CNN/NTV

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President Erdogan has declared a state of emergency that will last for three months in ten provinces affected by two major earthquakes that hit the region. The affected areas will receive various supports in order to minimize the effects of these natural disasters and to support those in the region. The damaged areas are declared disaster areas, and in this context, all health services are provided free of charge to everyone in that region, technical committees are assigned from all provinces to detect the damage to the structures, citizens in the region are informed and conscious by the relevant units of the state, and all financial losses are paid by the state. In cases where buildings need to be demolished or evacuated, this situation is notified to the owner. Students who fail their education are provided with additional exam opportunities and additional points are given to students in central exams. Additionally, citizens in the region are allocated new houses if their houses have been destroyed or damaged.

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