
What is fitr alms and when is it given? Those who are obliged to give alms of fitr – Last Minute Türkiye News

The alms of fitr is given to poor Muslims who do not have to take care of themselves. It is essential that the person who has to give the fitr alms and fasting ransom should not benefit directly or indirectly from them. The same rule applies to zakat. For this reason, a person cannot give his zakat, al-fitr alms and fidyah to his own method and progeny. (Usul is a person’s mother, father, grandparents, and offspring are their children, grandchildren and their children.) Also, spouses cannot give zakat, fitra or ransom to each other.


The alms of fitr (sadaka-i fitr), which is popularly known as fitre; As a gratitude for being created as a human being and fasting in Ramadan and reaching the feast; It is a sadaqah that is obligatory for a Muslim who is rich in religion and reaches the end of the month of Ramadan to give to certain people (Nevevi, al-Mecmû’, VI, 103-105). Its being wajib is fixed by the sunnah (Bukhari, Zakat, 70-78; Muslim, Zakat, 12-16; Abu Dawud, Zakat, 18; Ibn Majah, Zakat, 21).

The person is obliged to give the fitrah of himself and his young children. Hz. The Prophet stated that fitra is necessary for every Muslim, whether slave or free, big or small, male or female (Abu Dawud, Zakat, 20).

The time when the fitr charity becomes obligatory is on the first day of Eid al-Fitr, but it can also be given before Eid. It is even more virtuous. However, it can also be given on the day of the feast or later. However, it is considered mustahab to give it before the Eid prayer.
In the Shafi’i sect; It is haram to leave the fitra after sunset on the first day of Eid unless there is a legitimate excuse. It is also permissible to give fitra in the first days of Ramadan (Nevevi, al-Mecmû’, VI, 128).

The goal of fitre is to meet the daily food of a poor person according to the standard of living of the society he lives in, thus contributing to his participation in the joy of Eid.

Today, it is more appropriate to measure the amount that will meet the normal food need of a person for one day (two meals) in determining the amount of fitr alms. A person cannot give fitr alms to those who are religiously rich, to his son (mother, father, grandfather and grandmother), to his children (children and grandchildren) and to his wife. Fitrahs can be given to one poor or distributed to several poor. (Marginani, al-Hidaye, II, 224). However, the amount given to a person should not be less than one fitra.


Muslims who have attained the Eid-al-Fitr and who have a nisab amount (80.18 gr. of gold or similar value) apart from their basic needs and one-year debts are obliged to give alms of fitr for themselves and the people under their guardianship (Kâsânî, Bedâî’, 2/70, 72). However, the quorum amount required to be liable for the alms of fitr does not have to be «increasing» and «one lunar year» must have passed over it.
The person is obliged to give the fitra of himself and his children who have not reached the age of puberty (Kâsânî, Bedâî’, 2/70). On the other hand, there is no obligation to pay fitrah for one’s parents, older children, wife, siblings and other relatives (Kasânî, Bedâî’, 2/70, 72). However, if they do not have a power of attorney, it will be valid if they pay for these people.

According to the Shafi’i sect, giving alms of fitr is «fard» and it is not necessary to have a nisab amount of property to be liable for it (Shirbînî, Muğni’l-muhtâc, 1/594). According to this, every Muslim, rich or poor, who has enough food for the day and night of Eid in addition to his basic needs, is responsible for fitra (Shirbînî, Muğni’l-muhtâc, 1/594). In addition, a wealthy person should also give sadaqah al-fitr for his Muslim wife, children, parents and other relatives (Shirbini, Muğni’l-muhtac, 1/595; Ibn Rushd, Bidaye, 1/279-280).

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The fitr alms, also known as sadaka-i fitr, is a mandatory charitable donation for Muslims who are financially capable at the end of the month of Ramadan. It is given as a form of gratitude for being able to fast and reach the Eid al-Fitr. The amount given should be able to provide a poor person with enough food for one day. The obligation to give fitr alms applies to every Muslim, regardless of their gender or social status. However, a person cannot give fitr alms to their own method and progeny, including grandparents, parents, spouse, and offspring. The fitr charity becomes obligatory on the first day of Eid al-Fitr but can also be given before or after the holiday. The goal of fitr alms is to ensure the participation of poor individuals in the joyous celebration of Eid.

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