
What’s the latest on election polls? Hamza Dağ announced the results

Making statements on a television program he attended, Hamza Dağ, Deputy Chairman of the AK Party, said, «There is a good difference,» and made evaluations about the results of the last election survey brought before President Erdoğan.

Hamza Dağ made the following statements:

As a party and as the People’s Alliance, we are ahead in the polls. Our President is ahead. Hopefully we will win the election in the first round. There is a good difference. There is the Muharrem İnce factor. Muharrem İnce has around 10 percent of his own vote. Until the election, I am not entirely sure that he can stay in these neighborhoods. The campaign period will be important. Muharrem İnce’s performance is important. What is the reason for İnce to get so many votes? The real issue is there. When we look at İnce in November, December, or January, there is none. We’re talking 0’s and 1’s in February, and 10 percent votes after March. Party is around 4-5. The reason is that the candidate of the 7-table table did not hold, and was not accepted.


-(All of the votes of the Country Party come from the Nation Alliance, do your voters still stand in the same place?) Our voters do. Our candidate has been known for years. There is no new candidate status. AK Party voters, there were times when our votes went up and down during a 5-year period. When we look at the voters in these processes, all of our voters were undecided. As the election approaches, we see that the undecided voters are heading towards us.


The year 2022 went down in history as the hardest year in the world. We have all experienced the skyrocketing of energy prices with the Russia-Ukraine war. Their cost has been reflected on us. In the most difficult time, we have a minimum electorate. If there was no factor like Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the first round, could there be a situation in this country that could take the presidency in the first round?


We are now on our way to a situation where, by Allah’s leave, we will win this election in the first round, and we are in a position to win at the moment. In the first round, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, of course, becomes the president.


-The other party has a joint list work. It is necessary to follow its reflection in the provinces. We have an advantage. We, the AK Party, are a political party that receives votes from all over Turkey. Therefore, as a political party that receives votes from all over Turkey, our representation in the parliament is higher than the rate we received. It’s been like this for years. Under normal conditions, it should bring us 240-245 deputies in the parliament. But last time we had 300 deputies. CHP gets 25 percent of the vote. It needs to get 150 deputies to the parliament with 25 percent of the vote. But it gets 130 deputies. Why? Because we have representation from all over Turkey, we get more deputies than the votes we received.


In the previous election, we entered a separate list with the MHP. When the Great Union Party and the Welfare Party again wanted to enter the election with a separate list, they said that when two political parties in the same alliance entered with a separate list, the MHP also wanted to enter with a separate list.


We did not, and could not, apply the 3-term rule in 2018. The time was very tight, there was an early election. I defended the three terms both in MYK, in my one-to-one conversation with our President, and in our meetings with our organizations in the field. We duly made the application. We said very clearly that the 3-term rule should be applied. I am of the opinion that this country needs this party for another 20 years and 25 years. This period, which makes 3 consecutive terms in 26, 27 terms, will take a break without counting the 25th period as a break and a period. Before we met with other political parties, our President visited the Governor of State at his home and informed him. All of them were discussed in the meetings in the complex. Before even indirect communication was established, both of our President and the two of them talked to each other before the enlargement processes started to emerge in this alliance.


Earthquakes naturally occur during an earthquake. We do not say that there is no economic problem, but there is such a thing, but we will solve it, we are trying to solve it. The earthquake certainly had an impact on the economy. Thank God, the wheels of economy turned quickly. We had to make a decision after the pandemic. This is a critical decision. It is useful for our citizens to evaluate this. After the pandemic, the increase in commodity prices in the world, the deterioration of competitive areas, the deterioration of supply chains all inevitably caused an inflation and an economic problem. The world increased the interest rates, we either kept them constant or lowered them. Here we decided. Here, his positive return to us was in the field of employment.


With the increase in inflation in the world, the inflation in the work we do about interest has increased above the rate in the world. Now we see it starting to go down in its downward trend. If you ask us what you will do as an election promise in the upcoming period, our most important promise is to bring inflation down.

-Do we have a problem with the budget? Even though we removed EYT, we don’t have a problem with the budget. We currently do not have a problem in exporting. Do we have a problem in employment? It can go lower. But when you look at the other items, there is a situation that does not go bad again. Here, inflation is our most important issue. We will continue to reduce inflation with the months of May-June.

TurkStat does not only explain inflation. TurkStat is making a statement about 500 items. In no way does he say that ‘there is no play on 500 items’ and ‘there is only play on inflation’ does not sound very convincing to me. There are some companies that the opposition has disclosed data about, and I also shared that those companies are under the counter companies.


You know, Republican People’s Party members created a generation. They constantly tried to put youth as an adjective. The table they had created actually returned to them as of March 3rd. There was a trend towards Muharrem İnce, who opposed the island they had taken out. I think that that section will either not go to the ballot box or vote for us.

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: CNN/NTV

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Hamza Dağ, the Deputy Chairman of Turkey’s ruling AK Party, commented on the results of the latest election survey and stated that the party is currently ahead in the polls. Dağ expressed his belief that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will win the election in the first round and mentioned that Muharrem İnce, the opposition candidate, has around 10 percent of his own vote. He also added that while the AK Party has a minimum electorate due to the economic and political challenges, the party’s voters are still standing by them. Dağ also emphasized that the party is trying to solve the country’s economic problems, and their most important promise is to bring down inflation.

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