
«Famagusta Conducts Rescue and Training Flights»

Turkish peace forces, along with the security forces command, coast guard command, and aviation unit command, recently conducted overwater search and rescue training in Famagusta, Cyprus. The joint day and night training also included pilot and AKIP standardization control, night vision goggles refresher training, and technician SAR difference training flights.

The training involved the participation of the Cyprus Turkish Peace Forces, Security Forces Command, KKTCSG-04 ship from Coast Guard Command, KKTCSG-21 boat, and AS-532 Cougar helicopter from the Aviation Unit Command, as well as the AKIP team.

The purpose of the training was to enhance the skills and knowledge of the personnel involved in search and rescue operations at sea, as well as to ensure standardization and consistency in protocols and procedures. The use of night vision goggles and the technician SAR difference training flights were also implemented to further improve the effectiveness of search and rescue operations.

Overall, the training was successful and further showcased the dedication and commitment of the Turkish peace forces, security forces command, coast guard command, and aviation unit command in maintaining high levels of readiness and capability in handling search and rescue operations at sea.

ACM Cyprus

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