
Green prescription pill found

According to the information given by the Police Press Officer, 64 units of MD (E-25) were at the disposal of HN (E-25), who was in a vehicle that was stopped by the police teams on suspicion on Ecevit Street in Güzelyurt, at around 17.30 today. 10 green prescription pills were found and taken as an indication.

In the search conducted at H.N’s residence in Nicosia within the scope of the further investigation carried out regarding the issue, 448 more green prescription pills were found and taken as evidence.

The persons in question have been arrested.

Police investigation into the incident continues.


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Source Link: BRT

ACM Cyprus

ACM Cyprus

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Pools Plus Cyprus

Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

The police in Cyprus have seized a large amount of green prescription pills and arrested two individuals as part of an ongoing investigation. Initially, 10 pills were found on a person during a vehicle stop, leading to a further search at their residence where 448 more pills were discovered. The individuals remain in custody as the police continue their investigation.

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