
Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues warning to Turkish citizens in Sudan

Turkish Citizens in Sudan Warned by Ministry of Foreign Affairs

In the wake of recent events in Sudan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a warning to Turkish citizens living in the country. The ministry has stated that they are closely monitoring the situation and that the airspace in Sudan has been closed.

Due to the security situation in the country, the ministry advises that Turkish citizens should not travel and should stay indoors. They have also recommended that citizens follow the updates on the embassy’s webpage and the Ministry’s website to stay informed.

The advisory notice also provides information on the emergency helpline number. The ministry has urged Turkish citizens in Sudan to take necessary precautions and stay safe.

The developments in Sudan are being closely monitored by the government, and the warning message shows the government’s concern for the safety of its citizens abroad. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continue to provide updates as the situation unfolds.

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