Possible new titles: – Hunter who killed Swiss wolf in Hungary faces harsh punishment – Swiss wolf shooter in Hungary may receive severe sentence – Brutal penalty possible for hunter who shot endangered wolf in Hungary – Hungary considers tough sentence for hunter who killed Swiss wolf – Hunter who gunned down rare wolf in Hungary may get heavy punishment – Swiss wolf slayer in Hungary could face harsh consequences
The shooting of a wolf in Hungary last year has sparked public outcry and a call for a harsh sentence for the perpetrator. The wolf had wandered hundreds of kilometers from Switzerland to Hungary before being shot near Hidasnémeti by a Hungarian hunter. The animal’s GPS collar was taken down and found by authorities, who are still searching for the carcass. The perpetrator is yet to be identified, but János Nagy, a secretary of the prime minister’s office and a close co-worker of PM Orbán, believes that the hunter should receive a prison sentence as an example to others.
The wolf had traveled more than 1,900 km from Switzerland to Hungary, the longest journey ever recorded by a wolf in Europe. Despite being protected in Hungary, the hunter shot the animal and reportedly destroyed the GPS collar before throwing it into a nearby stream. However, the tracker remained functional, leading to an investigation by authorities.
Nagy said that the prosecutors should seek a prison sentence for the amateur hunter who committed the illegal act, adding that what happened was flagrant environmental damage. Attila Földvári, the spokesman of the Hungarian hunters’ chamber, also condemned the crime, stating that protected predators must not be killed, and that all hunters’ reputations have been tarnished due to this single incident.