
Sinan Ogan Plans to Appoint Orthopedically Disabled Vice President

Sinan Oğan, the presidential candidate of ATA Alliance, attended the ‘ATA Marmara Region Deputy Candidate Promotion Meeting’ on May 14. The meeting was also attended by other party leaders such as Zafer Party Chairman Ümit Özdağ, Justice Party Chairman Vecdet Öz, My Country Party Chairman Neşet Doğan, and Turkey Alliance Party Mehmet Sağlam, as well as parliamentary candidates and party members. The event was held at Halkalı Yahya Kemal Beyatlı Performance Center, where the chairmen and Presidential Candidate Sinan Ogan made speeches.

During his speech, Oğan emphasized the importance of the upcoming election and the need to address the issues facing the country, including the problem of 13 million refugees and fugitives. He also stated that their alliance is not just focused on nationalism and the repatriation of Syrians, but has a range of policies that they would like to discuss with other candidates.

In addition, Oğan announced that their alliance values women and disadvantaged groups, and they will be appointing an orthopedically disabled brother as Vice President. This move is seen as a positive step towards inclusivity and representation for marginalized groups in the country.

The election on May 14 is a significant one for Turkey as it marks the centennial of the Republic. The outcome of the election will have a profound impact on the future direction of the country, and it is important for voters to carefully consider the policies and values of each candidate and alliance before casting their vote.

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