
With screening programs, some cancers can be detected at an early stage with a rate of 90 percent.

The scientific study covering breast, cervical and bowel cancers included in screening programs revealed that over 90 percent of these diagnosed cancers could be detected at an early stage.

Ankara Bilkent City Hospital Oncology Hospital Chief Physician and Surgical Oncology Clinic Training Officer Prof. Dr. Lütfi Doğan made a statement to AA correspondent on the occasion of April 1-7 Cancer Week.

Stating that lung cancer ranks first among the most common cancers in the world, Doğan said that breast cancer ranks first in women, and bowel and stomach cancers are seen in men after lung cancer.

Pointing out that there have been significant developments in cancer screening, diagnosis and treatment, Doğan said, «We are now catching many cancers at much earlier and treatable stages with new technological methods.» he said.

– “Our goal is to prevent cancer before it occurs”

Explaining that the road map is determined by making a diagnosis before cancer occurs with screening methods, Doğan continued his words as follows:

“We want to catch and destroy cancer before it occurs. We try to prevent cancer deaths by catching cancer at an early stage and turning it into a chronic disease such as diabetes and hypertension.

In this sense, there are very important developments in terms of surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and radiotherapy. Despite advances in all kinds of treatments, our goal is to prevent cancer before it occurs. For this, especially screening methods are of great importance.”

– “Cancers that can be detected early, breast, cervical and intestinal cancers”

Explaining that some types of cancer in both men and women can be detected before the tumor progresses with screening methods, Doğan said, “In order for a cancer to be included in the screening program, it must be detected early. After being diagnosed early by screening, it should contribute to survival. At this point, there are three types of cancer that can be detected early. These are breast, cervical, and bowel cancers.” he said.

Pointing out that the treatment success rates in breast cancer are high, Doğan said that women who do not have risk factors after the age of 40 are referred for mammography every 2 years, and those with risk are referred for further examinations.

Doğan stated that in the screenings for bowel cancer, occult blood test is performed in the stool of people between the ages of 50-70 every 2 years, and that if it is positive, colonoscopy is also performed.

Pointing out that this screening planning is valid for people with average risk, Doğan said, “Screening programs are for people who do not carry significant risk. In case of a family history and a previous disease, these people should apply directly to tertiary diagnosis centers, not to screenings. said.

– “Early diagnosis is effective”

Reminding that the screenings in Turkey are carried out free of charge at the Cancer Early Diagnosis and Screening Center (KETEM), Doğan continued his words as follows:

“The study carried out on patients screened at Istanbul University Capa Medical Faculty revealed that more than 90 percent of diagnosed cancers could be detected at an early stage. These include patients diagnosed during screening for breast, cervical and bowel cancer.”

Pointing out that early diagnosis is the most important factor that increases the success of treatment, Doğan said, “Early diagnosis is so effective that it can be 100 percent noticeable on the success of treatment in many types of cancer.” said.

– “Still life should be abandoned and physical exercise should be given importance”

prof. Dr. Doğan stated that modifiable risk factors play a major role in the prevention of cancer.

Stating that since genetic factors cannot be changed, it is necessary to act with behavioral changes in the prevention of cancer, “The most important step in preventing cancer is to stay away from exposure to cigarettes and cigarette smoke. Secondly, sedentary life should be abandoned and physical exercise should be given importance, 10 thousand steps should be taken a day. As a third step, correct and healthy eating habits should be gained.” said.

In this context, Doğan underlined that industrial type nutrition should be avoided as much as possible and said, “It is appropriate to consume organic foods, cook pot meals, and eat vegetables and fruits in season. Apart from that, if there is a genetic predisposition to cancer, a physician should be consulted and participation in screening programs covering three cancers should be ensured. he said.


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Source Link: NTV/BRT/CNN

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A recent scientific study showed that over 90% of breast, cervical, and bowel cancers included in screening programs could be detected at an early stage. According to Prof. Dr. Lütfi Doğan, Oncology Hospital Chief Physician and Surgical Oncology Clinic Training Officer at Ankara Bilkent City Hospital, there have been significant developments in cancer screening, diagnosis, and treatment, allowing for the detection and treatment of many cancers at earlier and more treatable stages. Doğan emphasized the importance of preventive measures such as screenings and healthy lifestyles in reducing the risk of cancer, as well as the effectiveness of early diagnosis in increasing treatment success rates.

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