
«Zonguldak Hosts the 2nd National Devrek Safder Kartoğlu Half Marathon»

Zonguldak, Turkey hosted an event that brought together 680 athletes from all over the country. The event comprised a 21-kilometer half marathon, a 10-kilometer run, and a 3-kilometer public run. 115 people participated in the half marathon, 265 in the 10-kilometer track, and 300 in the 3-kilometer run. Safder Kartoğlu, aged 96, who holds the title of the oldest national athlete to have completed a marathon in 5 continents supported the event.

Before the races started, Safder Kartoğlu expressed his gratitude to everyone who participated in the race and wished them success. CHP Zonguldak deputy candidate, Deniz Yavuzyılmaz hailed the marathon as a special event for Zonguldak and the country.

At the end of the races, Mestan Turhan, Bahattin Üney, and Bedirhan Kabadayı were ranked first, second, and third in the half marathon for men. In the women’s category, Fatma Arık took first place, Dilan Atak came second, and Meryem Kılınç Gündoğdu was third.

In the 10-kilometer race, Emin Berke Murathan took first place for men, followed by Yunus Emre Akkuş and Mehmet Kalyoncu, while Remziye Erman won first place for women, followed by Yasemin Karasu Dönmez and Semra Bulut.

Umut Kanbur, Murat Kuşçu, and Ahmet Akmantar ranked in the men’s category of the public race, while Neriman Oktar took first place in the women’s category, followed by Yasemin Acar and Elvan Mekik.

The event organizers presented medals to the participants of the two categories, and cash prizes and cups to the top three winners.

It was also noted that former national athlete Veli Ballı, 86-year-old artist athlete Salim Dündar, and 77-year-old athlete Musa Çakır also participated in the event. It was a successful event that celebrated athleticism, and the participants enjoyed competing and appreciated the medals and recognition they received.

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