
The day when the medical students rebelled against the occupation in Istanbul became the Medicine Day.

Today is March 14, Medicine Day… March 14, 1919 began to be celebrated as the day when the medical students revolted against the British occupation in Istanbul. NTV reporter Melike Şahin, granddaughter of neurosurgeon and Prof. Dr. Burhan Suat Çağlayan talked to one of the heroes of the liberation struggle, Hikmet from Medicine. (Camera: Cumhur Çatkaya)

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Source Link: NTV/BRT/CNN

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Today is Medicine Day in Turkey, celebrated annually on March 14th to commemorate the revolt of medical students against British occupation in Istanbul in 1919. One of the heroes of the liberation struggle, Hikmet from Medicine, was interviewed by NTV reporter Melike Şahin, granddaughter of neurosurgeon and Prof. Dr. Burhan Suat Çağlayan. The day is an important celebration for the medical community in Turkey.

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